FF變焦線與全格影像圈兼容,並且光學性能可用於高解析度拍攝,例如6K - 8K。它為電影攝影師提供了一個罕見的選擇,因為很少有鏡頭可以滿足最新數位影院相機的影像傳感器的要求,該傳感器比Super 35更大,並擴展了拍攝設備的範圍。這是影院變焦鏡頭,提供最高的影像品質和緊湊的設計。
SIGMA全系列電影鏡頭擁有5000萬畫素的高畫質畫質,適合應用在高畫質影像拍攝及 chroma keyer (刪除背景/去背合成)技術運用。
Focal Length | 24-35mm | |
Aperture | T2.2 to T 16 | |
Number of Diaphragm Blades |
9 (Rounded diaphragm) | |
Close Focus1 | 0.28 m / 11″ | |
Image Coverage | FF Φ43.3 | |
Front diameter | 95mm | |
Filter Size | 82mm | |
Length | EF mount2 | 122.7mm |
E-mount3 | 148.7mm | |
Weight5 | EF mount | 1450g |
E-mount | 1510g | |
FF5 | 73.7° - 54.4° | |
S356 | 54.3° - 38.7° | |
APS-C7 | 52.6° - 37.4° | |
Barcode | EF mount | 00-85126-58866-3 |
E-mount | 00-85126-58867-0 |
1 Close focus distance is measured from the image plane
2 Front to EF mount flange
3 Front to E-mount flange
4 Without lens support foot
5 Horizontal angle of view for a full-frame camera aperture
(aspect ratio 1:1.5,dimensions 36 mm x 24 mm / 1.42″ × 0.94″)
6 Horizontal angle of view for a super 35 digital cinema
camera aperture (aspect ratio 1:1.8,dimensions 24.6 mm x 13.8 mm
/ 0.97″ × 0.54″)
7 Horizontal angle of view for an APS-C camera aperture
(aspect ratio 1:1.5,dimensions 23.7 mm x 15.7 mm / 0.93″ ×
The specifications are subject to change without notice.
SIGMA CINE電影鏡頭為總代理公司貨,採用特殊客定,庫存與交貨時間依總代理為主,Canon(EF mount )/ Sony Mount (E-mount)兩種接頭可選擇