WLLIAM 7x50 (10x50) ED Astro Binoculars雙筒望遠鏡(7x50 (10x50) ED Astro Binoculars)
WLLIAM 7x50 (10x50) ED Astro Binoculars雙筒望遠鏡

William Optics 7x50 and 10x50 ED binoculars. Ideal as side instrument for star-gazing, or as an easy-to-carry companion during field trips, astro observations, bird watching, sailing and hiking. The 7x is recommended for astronomy, the 10x for other applications such as hiking and sailing.

ED Glass
• Extra-low dispersion glass objectives for an exceptional color correction (almost no false colour).
• Enhanced FMC on all surfaces.
• 7.3 deg (6.6 for 10x version) field of view, will open up the skies to you.
• Extremely bright and sharp to the edges.

Eyepiece Individual Focusing
• Each eyepiece can be focused separately like in much more expensive binoculars.
• Dioptric adjustment from +5 to -5.

Water Proof
• Nitrogen filling for fog and water proof.
• Shock proof and anti-slip.

Incredibly Compact
• Objective dust caps attached to the body.
• Its soft rubberized alloy body guarantees the highest durability.
• Strap and carrying bag included.
• 2-year warranty.


Model Type 7x50 ED Astro Binoculars 10x50 ED Astro Binoculars
Magnification 7x50 10x50
Objective Diameter 50mm 50mm
Exit Pupil 7.1mm 5mm
Eye Relief 23mm 18mm
Prism System Porro Prisms Porro Prisms
Coating Fully-Multi-Coated Fully-Multi-Coated
Minimum focus distance 4m 4m
Focus System Individual focus system (IF) Individual focus system (IF)
Water Proof Yes Yes
Angle of View 7.5° Wide Angle 6.6° Wide Angle
Apparent Angle of View 75° 66°
Weight 1600g (3.5 lbs.) 1600g (3.5 lbs.)

Nikon 望遠鏡在日系進口望遠鏡市場佔有率第一名。 專業望遠鏡生產商~Nikon介紹與歷史

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產品資訊 品牌: William-Optics           型號:7x50 (10x50) ED Astro Binoculars
訂購編號:#A9157     條碼/廠家型號 :F #7x50 (10x50) ED Astro Binoculars
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更新時間:2011/5/16 下午 01:16:00


